Arc En Ciel: December 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
「 what behind my shadow. 6:23 PM 」

Been some time since i update the entry. Past few days were really boring. What i meant was everyday school ends at 5pm+ thanks to all the projects! Most busy of all is our FYP. We have been spending alot of time doing it. Although there are only a few more weeks before we graduate, i can't wait for those projects to end anymoreee.

Poly is certainly memorable and fun. When do you have the chance to skip classes without the need of providing MC lol. Just joking.. Although i do not enjoy what i do in the course im studying, but overall its a learning process to make u a better person. Im glad i did not regret getting into Singapore poly, its pretty fine school :)

Sunday, December 2, 2007
「 what behind my shadow. 5:13 AM 」

Went to CMPB on friday morning for my second medical checkup. Yes its my 2nd time ~_~ The first time was like 2.5yrs ago after my o lvl. I even received my posting in the police force but i deferred it away because i wanted to study in poly first. Alot of people may think its a waste to throw away the opportunity of being in police during national service, but oh well no choice :o

The checkup was certainly quite different from the last checkup i had. There are alot of types of checkup than last time. What surprise is that this time i am required to give them my blood! When queuing up for that section, i thought is only for certain people like those who haven't tested for hepatitis B. But i was wrong, i end up tasting the needle anyway.

Its been a long time i had needle injection, i was abit worried actually, the sign of needle going through your vein isn't a good sight, fortunately everything went smoothly, wasn't painful after all, i swear that the whatever thing poking you finger for a small amount of blood thing is more painful! That part is before the needle injection fyi.

There is another section call the ECG, its about checking the rhythm of your heartbeat or something. Some weird equipment sticking on your body and limbs. The rest of the section is basically the same; dental, hearing, eye test, x-ray and some head scan. Last section was hell which require you to sit in a room to do some vocabulary assessment or something, doing alot of maths and IQ related question, i got really fed up and start to tikum alot of question. The whole checkup took me 3hrs+, feeling tired so i took taxi back home after that :D